Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Now we spectators can watch a performance of failure theater

But, you say, what about the upcoming vote in the Congress on the Iran deal? Ace of Spades has bad news for us on that subject:
The vote is not in fact to be had; the vote of course already was had, two months ago, when Bob Corker proposed the "compromise" that said that deal would become law automatically, subject to a negative vote by Congress, but Obama gets to veto that, meaning Obama only needs one third support in both bodies to carry the day.

This is an inversion of the usual scheme wherein it requires a two thirds positive vote to carry the day in his favor; a mere one third minority could have blocked him.

No more. A one-third minority now wins the day for him.

So the actual vote, the actual History, the important deed, passed by two months ago when few of us were paying attention.

The coming vote will be the performance of Failure Theater, debuting to a world hungry for some dramatic political entertainment; but plays are of course scripted, and thus, their conclusions are foreordained, and this particular bit of stagecraft was written and finalized months ago by Bob Corker, with every single Republican voting in favor of it, save one -- Tom Cotton -- who objected, and save another, Ted Cruz, who made himself absent.

The vote was already had. The event has already passed. Law was already made and the trajectory of America was already changed.

But now will come the Performance aspect of it, the actual theatrical production, which we'll all watch, because They know we are first and foremost Spectators, and we are suckers for Spectacle, and Drama.

But know this: No, Ben Cardin will not flip; no, Chuck Schumer will not flip. And further, whether one or two Democrats flipped is entirely irrelevant, as 12 of of them would have to flip now to block this in the Senate -- a possibility as remote as the far side of Pluto.

So we can all pretend that we are part of making History here, of shaping our own lives, of guiding our own country; but in fact it's all a Lie.

They decided this for us, in the quiet and in the darkness, a couple of months ago.

I will personally not be following the twists and turns, the cliffhangers and sudden reversals, they've all scripted for our viewing pleasure.

I already know the ending: The deal passes, and rather easily at that.

Democracy is not being practiced here; it is merely being stage-managed. They have worked their level best to insulate themselves from the rebuking power of popular opinion, and, with their corporate-media allies to protect them, they have managed to do so almost completely.

So this is why I have become a radical: I agree with a left-wing socialist/communist about the fundamental rotten lie at the heart of the American democracy.

I will not trouble myself to follow a farce.

Spoiler Alert: Iran gets the bomb and the gold, Obama gets to pretend he's a statesmen, and Republicans get to pretend they opposed any of this.

There are many tv shows on in which people pretend various things. Most of these other pretend things I could be watching are more interesting.

So I am turning off the TV, I am turning off the Bob Corker & Mitch McConnell show, and, frankly, I am cutting the cord on America.
Read more here.

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