Thursday, July 23, 2015

Not merely unsustainable; it’s suicidal.

Former Senator Tom Coburn notices in USA Today that
The Republican Party boasts a host of compelling and well qualified aspirants, many of whom I have known and served with for years. They bring a wealth of experience and policy savvy to a nation sorely in need of a rebound following the many failures of the federal government during the Obama presidency.

Yet despite their numbers, none of them is addressing in a meaningful way the greatest threat to our republic: our gigantic and rapidly growing national debt. America’s cumulative borrowing is rapidly approaching $20 trillion, while the federal government's unfunded liabilities (future expenditures minus future tax revenue) now exceed a whopping $127 trillion — better than $1.1 million per taxpayer.

That’s not merely unsustainable; it’s suicidal.

...Washington has an uncontrollable spending habit. The founders gave us a way to combat this federal abuse of authority by calling for a Convention of the States.

...That is why the only reasonable, constitutional solution is an Article V Convention of the States to change the Constitution. An amending convention would do two things: Enable a national conversation about the challenges facing our nation, and give back a voice to the people. Article V of the Constitution gives state legislatures the authority to call a convention of states that bypasses Congress to amend the Constitution, and it should be used to rein in Washington’s excesses, which threaten the very foundation of our nation.
Read more here.

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