Thursday, July 23, 2015

Marriage: One man, and one woman

Jordan Lorence writes at The Federalist,
While I listened to Justice Anthony Kennedy read his decision on marriage from the bench at the U.S. Supreme Court, I thought about the one argument I would not know how to answer if it ever came from my opponents at the many debates I have done across the nation defending the definition of marriage as one man and one woman.

I imagined an advocate for redefining marriage saying something like, “We agree with you that marriage is a unique, important social institution that supports and helps sustain societies. We, too, are concerned about the erosion of marriage through such things as casual sex, cohabitation, no-fault divorce, and adultery. We, too, are dedicated to reaffirming marriage as a social institution that is monogamous, sexually exclusive, and life-long. Please see us same-sex couples as fresh reinforcements to help you in the important work to uphold the institution of marriage.”

But no one ever made that argument to me.
Read more here.

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