Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Instead of proactivity we get passivity

Kurt Schlicter writes at IJR,
Sure, America’s Commander-In-Chief could show the same leadership the governors of Oklahoma, Alabama and Louisiana have by directing common sense arming of troops, but with Obama that’s too much to expect. The last thing he wants is to reinforce the idea that guns in the hands of trained Americans can deter mass murder; the death of those two jihadi losers in Garland, Texas, was a disaster for his anti-gun narrative. But there is no excuse why military leaders don’t step up.

Yet instead of proactivity we get passivity. Shamefully, instead of preparing our warriors to confront the enemy, there is talk of having our servicemen and women shed their uniforms and hide inside their offices behind armed guards. That’s right – for the sake of a politician’s narrative and the careers of a few desk jockeys, we will take law enforcement off the streets to stand guard over some of history’s fiercest warriors rather than allow them access to the tools of their trade.

It’s shameful. And it’s personal. Major John Gaffaney was an officer in 2nd Brigade, 40th Infantry Division, when I was in 1st Brigade. I don’t remember him that well, but we would both be part of the pack of captains and lieutenants at the rear of the Division briefing room back in the day. MAJ Gaffaney was shot dead by Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood. He was killed attacking that traitorous piece of slime with a chair.

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