Friday, July 17, 2015

Help them come out of the coffin

Katherine Timpf reports at National Review,
Sociology researchers are now insisting that we as a society start accepting people who choose to “identify as real vampires” — so that they can be open about the fact that they’re vampires without having to worry about facing discrimination from people who might think that that’s weird. The study, titled “Do We Always Practice What We Preach? Real Vampires’ Fears of Coming out of the Coffin to Social Workers and Helping Professionals” was conducted by researchers from Idaho State University and College of the Canyons and the Center for Positive Sexuality in Los Angeles.

“The essential feature of real vampirism is their belief in the need to take in ‘subtle energy’ (called feeding) from time to time from a willing ‘donor’ in order to maintain physical, psychological and spiritual health,” the study explains. “Unlike lifestyle vampires, real vampires believe that they do not choose their vampiric condition; they are born with it, somewhat akin to sexual orientation,” it continues.

Some of these “real vampires” prefer to feed on “psychic or pranic energy” while others, called “sanguinarians,” prefer to feed on “small amounts” of human or animal blood. (Of the eleven “real vampires” interviewed for the study, three said they preferred psychic energy, three said they preferred blood, and five said they got energy from multiple sources.)
Read more here.

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