Thursday, July 23, 2015

Even if they're all purple!

Claire Hawks writes at American Thinker,
You cannot force companies, communities, groups, neighborhoods, etc. to be diverse. It just doesn't work in the real world. Take the AFL/NFL for example. Both groups are primarily black. Why? Because obviously black players are superior to those of other races/ethnicities. Franchises want the best players for their teams because the fans want to see winning teams. If inferior players are hired for some arbitrary reason and the team consistently loses, the franchise will probably go out of business. Everybody loses.

Would you want yourself or a loved one cared for by a nurse who gained entrance to college over more qualified people and who was pushed through to meet some diversity quota? How about having your money handled by someone who was hired so the company could be more diverse but wasn't nearly as qualified as the person who wasn't hired? If your house is burning, do you want the best firefighters or the ones who were hired so there was more diversity? I bet you would want the best, even if they're all purple.

Read more here.

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