Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Mark Steyn writes,
President Obama has wrapped up his tour of Africa. It was notable, insofar as that word can be applied to the trip, for his somewhat condescending and neo-colonial lecture to his hosts on the need to ease up on the old homophobia.

Certainly, Africa is not terribly gay-friendly. But nor are other parts of the planet. In his ardent wooing of Iran, for example, he doesn't seem to have been perturbed in the least by his new best friends' executions of homosexuals, anymore than he is by the brutalization of gays elsewhere in the Muslim world. You might deduce in his highly selective criticism a certain cowardice. I'll bet the mullahs do.

...African leaders are likely to prove a tougher sell for Obama than your easily cowed jelly-spined Republican. Most of these chaps seem to take the view that your average G7 head of government is a bit light on his loafers.
Read more here.

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