Monday, July 27, 2015

Children walking to school unsupervised

When you were a child, did you walk to school? I did, from kindergarten through 9th grade. How about now? Are you letting your child walk to school? Are you afraid someone will report you to Child Protective Services? Or, are you a helicopter parent, hovering over your child?

Elizabeth Price Foley writes at Instapundit,
In a zeal to “protect” the children, some adults are becoming super-nannies, swooping down to call protective services anytime they spy your child alone in a playground, saying the wrong words, with dirty clothes, living without modern amenities, or getting the “wrong” medical care. They think they know how to raise your kids better than you, so your children become “the State’s children” until you can wrestle them back. We are punishing parents, too often, for being poor or bucking cultural norms rather than being physically or emotionally abusive. The constitutional “right” to raise our children is being eroded–a goal political leftists have long sought.
Read more here.

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