Monday, July 20, 2015

Applauding the progress of Iran on a marked highway to nuclear weapons

Hugh Hewitt writes in the Washington Examiner,
President Obama's catastrophic tenure at 1600 Pennsylvania, like Hillary Clinton's catastrophic tenure at Foggy Bottom (the Russian "reset," the trial run for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the launching of the Libyan chaos, the hasty withdrawal from Iraq and the subsequent vacuum into which the Islamic State moved) will be remembered hardly at all once Iran gets the bomb as now guaranteed. Guaranteed. That is the bottom line of the Iran "deal." Iran is now a legitimized "soon-to-be" nuclear state. Children born today won't have started "world history" in 9th grade before Iran has nukes.

So Obama and Clinton are applauding the progress of Iran on a marked highway to nuclear weapons. Thy cheer this as an improvement over the haphazard back roads the mullahs have been imperfectly traveling. It isn't an improvement. It is a disaster. It is an unimaginable carnage just over the horizon that only the intentionally dense or the unbelievably naive cannot foresee.

...Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani is laughing. He has won. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini has won from beyond the grave. The clock is ticking and the bright light is coming. Thank you President Obama, Secretary Kerry and Secretary Clinton. Sen. Schumer, your "courage" will not be forgotten either.
Read more here.

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