Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A resolution declaring the office of speaker of the House "vacant"

Elise Viebeck writes in the Washington Post about Congressman Mark Meadows' resolution to declare the office of the speaker of the House “vacant.”
In a blistering resolution, Meadows slammed Boehner for causing the “power of Congress to atrophy” and using his office to “punish members who vote according to their conscience instead of the will of the Speaker.” The measure was referred to the Rules Committee, aides said.

Meadows’s claims reflect a longstanding critique of Boehner’s leadership among House conservatives.

...The resolution filed Tuesday afternoon contained eight complaints against Boehner. Meadows argued that the speaker seeks to “consolidate power and centralize decision-making,” manipulates the House’s calendar to “create crises for the American people, in order to compel members to vote for legislation,” and limits debate and amendments on the floor.
Read more here.

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