Tuesday, June 09, 2015

That nasty First Amendment

You want to know one place in America where freedom of speech is not allowed? It is in the jury hearing the James Holmes murder trial in Aurora, Colorado. Three females were kicked off the jury today because they were overheard discussing the case. Judge
Samour tells jurors every day that they are not to read news reports or social media posts about the case, talk about the case with fellow jurors or begin deliberating on a verdict before all the evidence is presented.

How realistic is it in 2015 to expect females not to be curious about what people are saying about the trial? To keep their mouths shut? Information is instantly available to anyone in 2015. These jury rules were made in a time when that was not the case. People know that they don''t have to limit themselves to listening to only one or two sources of information.
Read more here.

In related news, Judge Samour also scolded prosecutor George Brauchler for tweeting during the trial!
Read about that here.

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