Monday, June 08, 2015

Will the Republicans nominate Caitlin Jenner?

Mark Steyn notes that Bruce Caitlin Jenner is way hotter than Hillary.
Caitlyn's emergence from her second closet - coming out as a Republican - seems to have been forgiven by all the showbiz gals.

I was amused to see that the annual "V Day" production [of The Vagina Monologues] at Mount Holyoke College has been canceled because of its "extremely narrow perspective on what it means to be a woman". Hence, this Guardian headline: "Vagina Monologues playwright: 'It never said a woman is someone with a vagina'..." The revolution devours its own: Less than 20 years after Eve Ensler "empowered" women by "reclaiming" their vaginas, it seems a woman doesn't need a vagina at all, and it's totally cisgenderist to suggest you're not a woman if you're hung like a horse.
Read more here.

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