Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Where is the reserve of intraparty amity?

Ace of Spades has been thinking about the rift between Establishment Republicans and the Tea Party Republicans.
I thought the Tea Partiers were getting excessively hostile and mean in their criticisms. But then the Establishment lived down to its reputation. Rather than taking the long and sober view of things -- that a political coalition depended on at least some reserve of intraparty amity -- they showed their full contempt of the Tea Party and essentially declared them enemies.

The GOP won the elections of 2014 -- and lost their future. The Establishment basically declared war on the most vital and numerous part of the coalition, and stopped even pretending to tolerate them.

We're seeing that again with the Paul/McCain dispute.

...And I don't think that bodes well for the future. You can't combine against an enemy when you view the other factions of the right as the enemy.
Go here to read more.

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