Wednesday, June 17, 2015

What do you think of these groupings?

V the K at Gay Patriot says there are four distinct groups of GOP candidates, only one of which should be taken seriously:
Flawed, but worth voting for: Cruz, Jindal, Paul, Perry, Walker
Establishment hacks: Jeb!, Kasich, Rubio,
Hell no: Graham, Pataki, Christie, Huckabee
Sideshows: Fiorina, Carson, Trump

He adds,
You could make a case for Rubio in the first group (I don’t trust him) and Perry for the second. And Fiorina may not have a chance, but she’s useful in that she can bring it to Hillary.

It’s hard to get too worked up because I don’t think any Republican could possibly repair the damage Barack Obama has inflicted and continues to inflict on the country.
Read more here.

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