Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Was postponing kids really worth it?

Emma-Kate Symons asks at Quartz,
Was postponing kids really worth it?

Gen X professionals left it perilously late to procreate, and are now juggling all manner of difficulties all at once: financial, career, personal and relationship, mental and physical.

It’s not entirely our fault. We delayed major milestones because of study, work, travel, recessions, financial concerns, and a changing marriage market.

...As birth rates in the US continue to fall, an educated older parent-driven ‘‘baby boom’’ is underway.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the number of first-time moms aged 35 and older is nine times higher than in the 1970s.

American men are also becoming fathers at an older age, particularly if they have a bachelor’s degree or more. US Census figures show a steady increase over the past 15 years in the proportion of 40- to 49-year-old married dads to kids under the age of six.
Read more here.

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