Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Three mortal sins guys commit

Are you a guy who commits one or more of these three mortal sins with women? Chateau Heartiste explains them. The first is defensiveness.
For instance, if a beta male is caught eyeballing another woman, his girl buddy might chastise him with a sneering “You think she’s cute,” in response to which the beta male is likely to apologetically self-renounce something along the lines of “I wasn’t looking at her,” or “Nah, she’s not my type.”

The alpha male, by way of contrast, would reply “Yeah, she’s cute,” and leave it at that.

The second mortal sin is straining. That is
try-hardery or approval-seeking behavior. Straining is a close cousin of bitterness, which women recoil from...

The third is physical awkwardness.
An air kiss at the end of a tepid date. A dainty touch on a girl’s shirt sleeve before quickly withdrawing for fear of offense. A hug entered at a bad angle, bodies clashing discordantly. A sweet nothing whispered five feet from a girl’s ear. Body stiffness. Jerky head movements. Darting eyes. Deeply pocketed hands. Shuffling feet. Excessive nodding in approval that is mistaken for true bonding. Relentless smiling. Overeager laughing at a girl’s typically horrid stab at humor.
Read more here.

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