Monday, June 08, 2015

Complying with Clinton's requests

Manhattan Infidel celebrated his sixth anniversary:
To celebrate the six-year anniversary of the journalistic juggernaut that is Manhattan Infidel I decided to throw a party at a swank hotel in midtown Manhattan. I invited guests to attend and even had Ted Nugent sing some of his songs for the guests. A portion of the proceeds would go to my favorite charity: Funding Manhattan Infidel. A great time was had by all.

But how would I get the most guests to show up? After all, the more guests show up the more money we can raise to fund Manhattan Infidel.

Then it hit me. Why not invite former President Bill Clinton. He’s still popular and gives entertaining speeches. So I sent a formal letter inviting him. I waited and finally I got a reply.
Read the list of Clinton requests here.

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