Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Bruce Jenner wins ESPN's Courage award

Ace of Spades weighs in on the Jenner controversy:
As I keep saying, the number of Polite Fictions we are demanded to endorse now outstrips the number of True Things we're allowed to say, and by a considerable number.

Is there any point coming in the near future when we slow down in our Orwellian quest to outlaw truth entirely?

Oh, By The Way: The world's greatest living female Olympian still has a penis.

...Actually, I was wrong that Jenner had the full sex reassignment surgery: He's spending that recommended year "as a woman" to see if he likes it. That's something doctors recommend, because, you know, you wouldn't want to be hasty about a decision like this.

Which makes this all the stranger to me, that it is insisted we call someone with a penis a "woman."

Real Courage. Bruce Jenner, an athlete who plans an elective surgical amputation, won ESPN's "Courage" Award over a war veteran who lost two limbs fighting for his country.

Honestly, if you're a man, you should not be watching ESPN. Jesus God in Heaven.
Read more here.

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