Saturday, May 23, 2015

Will they allow themselves to be silenced?

Elizabeth Price Foley notes at Instapundit,
There are still many good, intelligent, and strong young people within our universities. The question is: Will they find a way to lead, and fight back against this progressive, PC censorship nonsense, or will they allow themselves to be silenced?
She links to a Wall Street Journal column by Peggy Noonan, who writes,
I shudder to think what kind of President this generation could potentially produce.

To which Instapundit commenter Daniel in Brooline writes,
Me too. We could wind up someday with a hypersensitive President, skin as thin as tissue paper, who sees mild criticism from the press as reason to lash out; who uses childhood gripes as the basis for foreign policy; who airs petty grievances all the time and gets in the way of police and the courts doing their jobs; who is more interested in tony vacations than in leading the country.

Oh, wait -- aren't we there now?
Read more here.

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