Tuesday, May 12, 2015

This week's Camp David summit for "key Arab allies"

Amir Taheri writes in the New York Post,
Ever since he decided to chase the mirage of a “Grand Bargain” with Iran, President Obama has pretended that the only opposition comes from Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu and “hardline” Republicans in the Congress.

He was to highlight that claim by hosting a summit for “key Arab allies” at Camp David this week.

Yet the exercise has instead shown the failure of Obama to sell his narrative to “key Arab allies” even before the first round of orange juice is served at Camp David.

Of the six heads of the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, only two, the emirs of Kuwait and Qatar, will attend.

...All in all this would be an awkward event, perhaps the first time that so many leaders publicly shun a president of the United States.
Read more here.

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