Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Taken down by a traffic cop's pistol

Polistick show this picture of one of the two would-be killers in Garland Texas.

His name was Nadir Soofi.
Nadir Soofi was a Muslim and reportedly a Pakistani immigrant who lived in Phoenix, Arizona. He was the roommate of the other attacker, earlier identified as Muslim convert Elton Simpson. Both Soofi and Simpson were killed by Garland police after their attempted attack.

Front Page Mag’s Daniel Greenfield unearthed some disturbing facts about Soofi. Not only did he rant about his hatred for America and Israel on social media, he also hated dogs. On the other hand, Soofi loved both far-leftist Noam Chomsky as well as radical Islamic terrorists. In addition, he also loved Jesse Ventura, the unhinged and controversial former governor of Minnesota most recently in the news for suing the widow of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle.

He wrote about his disdain for dogs saying, “Man can protect his life and health by keeping a safe distance from dogs. He should not hug them, play with them, or let them come close to children. Children should be taught not to play with dogs or to fondle them.”

Federal agents are now investigating to determine whether the two acted alone or if they were part of an international terrorist organization. ISIS supporters and members have claimed responsibility for the attack. There was also reportedly chatter for months about a possibility of an attack at the planned Mohammad art contest for months prior to it happening.
Read more here.

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