Sunday, May 10, 2015

Should Congress limit abortions to 20 weeks?

Glenn Reynolds writes in USA Today that next week
the House is expected to vote on a 20-week limit on abortions. Such a limit polls well— Americans are much more supportive of early abortionsthan late-term abortions — and would still leave the United States with more-liberal abortion laws than nearly all of Europe. Even so, the Republicans need to be asking themselves — and the Democrats need to be asking them, too — where, exactly, Congress gets the power to limit abortions to 20 weeks?

But members of Congress take their own oath to preserve the Constitution, which imposes an independent obligation on them to take the Constitution seriously, not just to do whatever the Supreme Court will let them get away with. If, as Republicans in Congress keep telling us, they support limited government, then they need to support limits on government even when those limits stand in the way of doing something they want to do.

Will they?
Read more here.

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