Monday, May 18, 2015

Obama administration knew al Qaeda was planning the attack in Benghazi ten days before it happened.

Kemberlee Kaye writes at Legal Insurrection that
After filing a FOIA suit, thanks to a court order Judicial Watch obtained documents from the Department of Defense and Department of State which indicate the Obama administration knew al Qaeda was planning the attack in Benghazi ten days before it happened. TEN DAYS.

For anyone interested in finding the truth of events, is there any organization more vital than Judicial Watch? I can't think of any. From Judicial Watch:
The new documents also provide the first official confirmation that shows the U.S. government was aware of arms shipments from Benghazi to Syria. The documents also include an August 2012 analysis warning of the rise of ISIS and the predicted failure of the Obama policy of regime change in Syria.

Read more here.

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