Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Moving the U.S. Capitol to Nicaragua

After his surprise victory in the 2016 presidential election, former New York Mayor Warren Wilhelm Jr. has decided to move the U.S. Capitol to Nicaragua. His announcement was covered by Manhattan Infidel:
“Washington D.C. is hopelessly white.”

And with the white race comes corruption and greed, envy and racism, intolerance and extremism in the name of the white man’s Christian god. Nicaragua, where I spent many years of my blissful youth, is a Spanish-speaking socialist workers paradise. I’m sure I don’t have to remind people that Spanish is a language of peace. By moving the Capitol it is my fondest hope that the United States government will absorb the principles of socialism and peace and throw out the weeds of capitalism and freedom. A freedom that can only come at the expense of equality.
Read more here.

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