Sunday, May 17, 2015

Legislating from the bureaucracy

Should we expect any better from Hillary should she become president? William Jacobson, writing in Washington Examiner, doesn't think so;
in fact, I think we can expect worse.

Consider that Hillary went off the government grid to conduct her official business by setting up a private server at her home that was controlled by her personal staff.

...The server scandal is a metaphor for the old Hillary — opaque, controlling, paranoid, ruthless and power-hungry. It's proof that she hasn't changed.

...Campaign consultants can remake a candidate's image, but they can't remake the candidate herself. A President Clinton would almost certainly face a Republican House of Representatives in 2017, if not a Republican-controlled Congress.

Rather than trying to work with such a Congress, Hillary has made it clear she would be even more aggressive than Obama in expanding presidential power at the expense of Congress and the Constitution.
Read more here.

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