Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Do it!

Instapundit linked to a guest post by Kyle Eschenroeder at The Art of Manliness. Eschenroeder writes,
That’s where we are as a culture. We run desperately to abstraction and avoid action at all costs.

...We judge men based on what they have instead of what they do.

...Modern man has forgotten how to take action.
Eschenroeder provides 10 powerful and mostly overlooked truths about the nature of action:
1. Action is Cheaper Than Planning. ...Most of the time, planning is procrastination. It’s based on theory. It’s going to be wrong.

Plans are useless without action.

That’s why Step 1 is to take action based on what you already know. Then improve bit by bit. Then begin forming a plan.

2. Action Allows Emergence. ...If you’re obese then you probably don’t see a possible future where you’re fit. But, after three months of working out and eating well there will be a possible future of physical fitness that didn’t exist before.

These possibilities seem to “come out of nowhere” but they actually come out of action.

3. Inaction is Scarier...The pain that comes with action is acute, gives you scars, and makes you grow.

The pain that comes from inaction is low-grade, makes you soft, and makes you decay.

4. Motivation Follows Action...I don’t feel like working out until I’ve been at the gym for 15 minutes. I’m too tired to have sex until we’ve started. I don’t want to go to the party until I’m there.

Motivation (and passion) will follow you if you have the balls to go without them.

5. Action is an Existential Answer...It is only in the flow of action that life can make sense.

6. Action Creates Courage
7. Explanations Follow Actions

Keep reading here, but most importantly, take action!

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