Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Baltimore: what do we do now?

Roger L. Simon wrote this in PJ Media about the Baltimore riots:
Why Baltimore: An American Tragedy
by Roger L Simon
May 11, 2015 - 1:07 AM

Who wasn’t hugely depressed watching the non-stop coverage of the Baltimore riots Monday night? So sad. How has it come to this? We’re back in Watts, only it’s five decades later !

Well, it’s not exactly the same. It was white businesses that were trashed in Watts — this time they were black ones. And there was another, even more important, difference…

Commentators were repeatedly asking, where are the parents? Ben Carson — the neurosurgeon, potential Republican presidential candidate and onetime Baltimore resident — urged the city’s parents “Please, take care of your children.”

Great idea, but here’s the problem. They don’t have ‘em. According to liberal CNN’s Don Lemon, 72 percent of African-American children are born out of wedlock. His stats were born out by the Centers for Disease Control. One can only imagine what the stats would be broken down for those Baltimore neighborhoods that were rioting. The presence of a father in the home would be a rarity indeed. And a lot of the moms are probably holding their fatherless homes together for dear life, desperately trying to make a living when their kids are pouring out of school. No one was home.

Of course, it wasn’t always that way. The black family was the bulwark of that community. So what happened? I’ll be blunt, since I was once part of the problem and equally culpable — liberal racism. Ever since the days of Lyndon Johnson, social welfare programs aimed at making the lives of “colored people” better actually made them worse. The assumption behind these programs is that African-Americans — always, constantly, forever unequal and not up to the task — needed a leg up. They got the message. Wouldn’t you?
Read more here.

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