Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ace of Spades has this on the Stephanopoulis story

It was actually the Free Beacon's Andrew Stiles who discovered Stephanopoulos' donations to the Fund for Clinton Financial Health. He called George Stephanopoulos about it, to get comment, per regular journalistic decorum, and I guess he actually was put in touch with a PR person at ABC.

What Team Stephanopoulos did was this: While Stiles was waiting for comment -- affording them the chance to comment -- Team Stephanopolous called Politico and "disclosed" the donations to them, making it seem as if Stephanopoulos was doing so voluntarily and on his own conscience.

The media then edited out the Free Beacon from the story -- to deny them credit, to puff up the friendly leftist "mainstream" media generally, and to falsely imply Stephanopoulos was self-disclosing, rather than being forced to after Andrew Stiles discovered his grubby secret.

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