Saturday, May 23, 2015

65-year-old German woman gives birth to quadruplets

Frank Jordans of the Associated Press writes,
A 65-year-old teacher from Berlin has given birth to quadruplets after a pregnancy that was widely criticized by medical professionals because of her age, RTL television said Saturday.

Annegret Raunigk, gave birth to a girl — Neeta — and three boys — Dries, Bence and Fjonn — by cesarean section at a Berlin hospital Tuesday, RTL said. The newborns weighed between 655 grams (1 lb., 7 ounces) and 960 grams (2 lbs., 2 ounces) each.

A spokeswoman for RTL said the babies stood a strong chance of survival but possible complications couldn't yet be ruled out, because they were born in the 26th week of pregnancy. Their mother was doing well, the spokeswoman said.

... Raunigk already had 13 children ranging in age from 9 to 44, from five fathers. She told Germany's Bild newspaper last month that she decided to become pregnant again because her 9-year-old daughter wanted a younger sibling. She also has seven grandchildren.

Raunigk traveled abroad to have donated, fertilized eggs implanted — a procedure that is illegal in Germany.
Read more here.

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