Monday, April 06, 2015

Surrendering Israel to a genocidal enemy

James Lewis writes in American Thinker that
Israel has been completely betrayed, not just by Obama, who has led the charge, but by the P5 +1 powers, who are all too ready to surrender Israel against a genocidal enemy, just as they surrendered Czechoslovakia and Poland to Hitler.

Israel and other nations threatened by the Nazi-like Iranians -- who are constantly shouting Death to America! Death to Israel! -- must demonstrate their seriousness. The correlation of forces is such that Israel cannot do it by conventional arms.

Iran is as close to Hitler’s Nazis as we’ve seen since World War 2. They are frantically genocidal in their talk, and with overwhelming military power, they will be genocidal in fact. It is already happening with ISIS and its ethnic genocides wherever it takes over. When it comes to Koranic war theology, ISIS and Iran are the same.

Israel is not inclined to do rash and reckless things. It will think through the consequences. But it must respond to the outright betrayal of Obama’s United States and the West, and the response must be dramatic to stop the hemorrhage in its alliances.

Obama has betrayed civilized nations to nuclear rogues, with malice aforethought.

Civilized nations now have no choice but to respond effectively.
Read more here.

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