Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Rubio may have an appeal to a wide cross-section of voters

Marco Rubio has thrown his hat into the ring for the 2016 GOP presidential contest. There is much to like about him. However, there is one issue that continues to dog his candidacy: his participation in the Gang of Eight's efforts to pass a massive immigration reform measure. He now says that was a mistake, and
Instead, Rubio is renewing an argument he made originally that Congress should take up immigration reform in pieces, starting with proposals that Republicans largely support such as enforcement at the southern border, a mandatory electronic system to verify the legal status of employees and a new method to track people who overstay their visas. He’ll argue that deporting all 11 million immigrants here illegally is improbable, and call for an onerous series of steps to allow some to stay in the country. And a President Rubio would only entertain that possibility of citizenship after enforcement-minded immigration laws are enacted first.
Read more here.

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