Sunday, April 19, 2015

Mrs. Clinton's rocky start

Matt Lewis writes at The Guardian,
The day after Mrs Clinton announced her presidential campaign, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, 43, who is young enough to be Clinton's son, made his own presidential announcement – a soaring speech which contrasted with Clinton in every way, casting her as his perfect foil. "Just yesterday," Mr Rubio gibed, "a leader from yesterday began a campaign for president by promising to take us back to yesterday. But yesterday is over, and we are never going back."

The funny thing is that some serious news involving Mrs Clinton came out this week, but has mostly elicited yawns. First, it was revealed that she had simply ignored congressional inquiries into her use of private emails during the time she was serving as Secretary of State back in 2012. Second, it was reported that the Clinton Foundation would continue taking money from foreign governments – even as Mrs Clinton officially ran for president of the United States.

None of these "serious" stories garnered as much coverage or commentary as her failure to leave a tip at Chipotle. This is both a commentary on the American public and the American media. But it's also a warning to Mrs Clinton about how it will be the little things that kill.
Read more here.

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