Sunday, April 05, 2015

More on Mrs. Clinton's obfuscation

Andrew McCarthy continues,
Mrs. Clinton’s modus operandi is to avoid paper trails at all costs. She is in the latest mess of her own making precisely because she took extraordinary (and illegal) steps to insulate her communications from State Department record-keeping. She is the same Mrs. Clinton who, as secretary of state, managed to avoid being interviewed about Benghazi by her own hand-picked Accountability Review Board (and, as I mentioned in Tuesday’s column, a senior official says Mrs. Clinton’s aides mined State Department records to withhold information from the ARB).

It was just three weeks ago that Mrs. Clinton chose to hold her press conference, evidently confident she could put the e-mail controversy to rest. She must have spent hours preparing for it with her retinue of advisors, lawyers and spin doctors. The result? A clueless yarn about not wanting to carry two communications devices around – a story that was laugh-out-loud ludicrous on its face (every 12-year-old knows you can access multiple e-mail accounts on a single device) and that has now been exploded as a bald-faced lie (she in fact carried at least two devices – and there is easily retrievable audio of her breezy claim, just two weeks before the press conference, “I have an iPad, a mini iPad, an iPhone and a Blackberry”).

While a Clinton in name and ambition, Hillary lacks Bill’s agility and rogue charm. They both bounce from scandal to scandal, but she digs herself deeper where he would nimbly escape. And, to be blunt, she simply does not have the likeability that made people want to overlook his flaws – very few politicians do.

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