Friday, April 10, 2015

Marijuana legalization in Colorado

What has been the effect of legalizing marijuana in Colorado?
Impaired driving: Traffic fatalities involving operators testing positive for marijuana doubled from 2007-2012. The majority of arrests involving driving-under-the-influence-of-drugs involved marijuana.

Drug-related expulsions/suspensions increased 32% from 2007/2008 school year to 2011/2012.

In 2013 48% of Denver adult arrestees tested positive for marijuana.

From 2011-2013 there was a 57% increase in Marijuana-related emergency room visits. Hospitalizations related to marijuana have increased 82% from 2008-2013.

Highway interdiction seizures of marijuana destined for other states have increased 397% in Colorado from 2008-2013.

Us Mail parcel interceptions of marijuana destined for other sates increased 1280% from 2008-2013.

THC potency has increased from 3.96% in 1995 to 12.33 % in 2013.
Go here to read the exhaustive, comprehensive report.

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