Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Letterman: "Treat a lady like a whore, and treat a whore like a lady."

The New York Post reports that Monday night David Letterman was warming up his audience prior to showtime.
The married “Late Show” host — who in 2009 was forced to admit a series of affairs with female staffers — engaged in his trademark practice of taking questions from his fans inside the Ed Sullivan Theater on Monday.

The first one came from a college staffer who asked what advice the scandal-scarred funnyman would give to this year’s graduates.

“Treat a lady like a whore, and a whore like a lady,” the host shot back.
Read more here.
I think David Letterman is a creep. However, his remarks do not seem that far removed from the advice given by Chateau Heartiste to his readers who want to learn how to be alpha males.

It is not likely that Letterman will suffer any consequences for making the remark. When you are a certified leftist, you are never held accountable for how you actually live your life, as long as you look down your nose at conservatives.

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