Friday, April 03, 2015

If we bury our heads in the sand, the shame is on us.

Jay Nordlinger writes at National Review,
An Iranian general said, “Israel’s destruction is non-negotiable.” Don’t you think President Obama should take note of that? Don’t you think he should say something like, “I understand why the Israelis are a teensy bit worried”? You may remember what the survivor of Auschwitz said when asked, “What’s the biggest lesson you have learned?” He said, “When someone says he’s going to kill you, believe him.” Iran’s “supreme leader,” Khamenei, recently joined a crowd in chanting “Death to America.” Don’t you think Obama should take note of that? Should he pretend that things like that simply don’t occur? Couldn’t he say something like, “Yeah, that wasn’t particularly reassuring”? Does he think we here in America don’t notice statements such as the one Khamenei made? (“Death to America.”) He realizes we have the Internet, right? A senior clerical ally of Khamenei’s said, “We will raise the flag of Islam over the White House.” Obama should address such statements. Does he think they’re just hot air to be ignored? Or do they indicate a mindset in the Iranian government? You can fault the Iranian government for many things, but you can’t fault them for a lack of candor on the subject of America or Israel. They have been quite clear. If we bury our heads in the sand, the shame is on us.
Read more here.

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