Tuesday, April 14, 2015

If the race is close, the little things really can make a difference.

Hillary Clinton has a highly paid campaign staff. Nevertheless, they made this gaff in her announcement yesterday: "she's fought children and families her whole career." Her TweetDeck photo was positioned such that the checkmark covered her eye.

Sean Trende concludes at Real Clear Politics,
If Hillary loses, it won’t be because of a typo in her campaign announcement. There were also good things about the rollout: The actual video was solid. But like her famous email press conference, the risk is that the mistakes are indicative of a deeper problem. These little things are minor, until it emerges that a higher-up in the campaign doesn’t know that the delegates in the nomination battle are awarded proportionally. Then, suddenly, there is a problem. If the race is close, the little things really can make a difference.
Read more here.

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