Sunday, April 05, 2015

If he knew you were coming for him, he would have baked a cake.

Mark Steyn wades in on the assault by the left on Christian bakers.
In Africa, the Middle East and South Asia, Christians are killed for their beliefs. In America, they're not (yet) being killed, just having their businesses destroyed. Be grateful for small mercies. But in both west and east the dominant ideology is not minded to brook dissent. Islam sells itself as a stern enforcer, and always has done. By contrast, the New Diversity enforcers intolerantly demand uniformity in the name of tolerance and diversity.

...But the Big Gay enforcers know it would all get more complicated if they were to go after a Muslim pizzeria in Dearborn. And, if they did, they'd be the ones in hiding. Tim Cook, the Apple CEO who'll have no truck with hoosier homophobes, is happy to enrich Iran's mullahs so they can build fancier gay gallows on which to hang the sodomites. Muscle respects muscle.

...What we're seeing is a campaign to enforce ideological discipline and conformity in every area of daily life. Notwithstanding the LGBTQWERTY lobby's industrial promotion of ever more abstruse and reductive identity politics, such a society will be the very opposite of "tolerant" and "diverse" - and deeply unhappy.

...And as we see, from Kenya to Indiana to Twitter, the "alternative point of view" is a far more endangered species than the polar bear.
Read more here.

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