Sunday, April 19, 2015

How much supervision do children need, and when are they truly at risk?

Has Child Protective Services been overreaching? Do you believe that the moment your child is out of your eyesight he or she is in grave danger? Do you want your child to grow up being an independent thinker?
David Finkelhor, who directs the Crimes against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, said that crime rates are down in general, as are the number of missing children and stranger abductions. “Most of the worst things that happen to kids are at the hands of their own family members — murder, sexual assault, abuse,” Finkelhor said. “The data clearly show that.”

However, all across America there have been cases where parents have been reported to Child Protective Services for allowing their children to play outside unsupervised. Donna St. George and Brigid Schulte cite some of these cases in an article here at the Washington Post.

Thanks to Instapundit

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