Wednesday, April 22, 2015


The New York times does not believe Hillary Clinton called someone a f***ing Jew bastard” 26 years ago. Jonah Goldberg does believe it:
My reasons are simple: Three witnesses swear to it, she has a well-documented history of swearing like a Russian sailor drunk on rubbing alcohol, she comes from a background where people said these sorts of things, and she’s not very good on Jewish issues when she is not running for the Senate from the state of New York.

If Hillary Clinton said “you f***king Jew bastard,” I don’t think it confirms Hillary’s anti-Semitism. Rather it confirms what I always believed: She is a nasty piece of work who will say anything if it will achieve her aims. A year ago, she said Palestine should be a state, because she was talking to Palestinians. These days she says Jews are the greatest thing since sliced Matzos, because she needs Jews. And, 26 years ago, she said “you f***ing Jew bastard” because she wanted to hurt someone’s feelings. What Jewish voters need to ponder is what she might say if the day comes when she thinks she can do without Jewish voters.
Read more here.

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