Monday, March 02, 2015

Terms of endearment, or terms of endurement?

Ann Voskamp writes that
there are parenting days when the terms of endearment can get confusing and it all feels more like the terms of endurement.
When arguing can go in circles.
Whoever had the crazy idea that Lent was for the good who were forsaking some lush little luxury?

Lent’s for the messes, the mourners, the muddled — for the people right lost. Lent’s not about making anybody acceptable to a Savior — but about making everybody aware of why they need a Savior.

...In one wild moment, my disordered desires can betray how quickly I can lose my God-orientation.

...You don’t need higher self-esteem.

You need greater self-grace — that comes from the depths of His grace.

...His grace that you accept for yourself — is the same grace you then extend to others — which then graciously circles back to you.
Read more here.

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