Tuesday, March 10, 2015

"Pull down your website"

What? Pull down your website? That's what a federal bureaucrat told Steve Girard to do, after he posted sunrise and sunset photos taken from his drone.
Steve Girard said he’d only been flying his drone since September, which is why he didn’t set out to become a commercial pilot. Instead, he took photos of the surroundings near his home and posted them on his website, called Xtreme A​erial View. He said people enjoyed the photos, so he started selling them, for a couple bucks a pop.

“I was just doing some sunrise and sunset pictures, getting some really great stuff. So people said I should sell them as backgrounds for computer desktops,” Girard told me. “I was selling them for $2 each. It was pocket change and I only sold a couple.”
Read more here, and listen to the audio from the FAA bureaucrat.

Thanks to Michael Brown

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