Thursday, March 19, 2015

Male and female hypergamy

Chateau Heartiste asserts,
...women have a real aversion to failing to absolutely maximize the return on their sexual value.

...Female Hypergamy is both Brahma the Creator and SHIVa the Destroyer. Women’s leashed sexuality births empires; women’s unleashed sexuality desiccates civilizations. We are well past the birthing stage of America and well into the barren womb stage.

...In secular, sex egalitarian, established civilizations like the West, the great anti-feminist truth may be that Male Hypergamy — the desire of men for ever prettier and younger women, and the ability of HMMV men to fulfill that desire — will be the heart matter force that saves the advanced cultures from navel-gazing themselves into oblivion.
I think HMMV stands for High Male Market Value. Read more here.

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