Tuesday, March 17, 2015

ISIS captures 20 doctors and nurses in Libya

Thomas D. Williams reports at Breitbart:
In the Libyan coastal city of Sirte, ISIS kidnapped 20 foreign doctors and nurses on Monday afternoon as they were waiting for a bus to take them to Tripoli. According to reports from various Arab media, the hostages are mostly Filipinos, but among them there are also Indians, Serbs and Ukrainians.

The medical personnel were trying to escape the violence between radical jihadists and troops belonging to Operation Shuruq, which is expected to escalate in the coming days. Operation Shuruq is tied to the General National Congress in Tripoli, which is not recognized by the international community.

The hostages, who worked at the hospital Ibn Sina, were seized by a band of some thirty militants from the Tafkiri group, affiliated to the Islamic Caliphate. According to reports, the guerrillas captured them to take care of their wounded, also with a view to upcoming battles.
Read more here.

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