Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Is Ted Cruz another Barry Goldwater?

In my last posts I speculated about how the media will treat Ted Cruz. I excerpted from this article by Harry Enten at FiveThirtyEight. One of the things Enten said was:
And the Cruz hatred doesn’t stop at the edges of the Senate cloakroom. Influential party actors dislike him, too. I can’t remember another Republican who united Ann Coulter, Pat Robertson, Jennifer Rubin and Thomas Sowell in opposition.

Thomas Sowell is someone I respect greatly. Here is what he said about Cruz:
Senator Ted Cruz has not yet reached the point where he can make policy, rather than just make political trouble. But there are already disquieting signs that he is looking out for Ted Cruz — even if that sets back the causes he claims to be serving.

Those causes are not being served when Senator Cruz undermines the election chances of the only political party that has any chance of undoing the disasters that Barack Obama has already inflicted on the nation — and forestalling new disasters that are visible on the horizon.
Read more here.

Here is what Ann Coulter says.

Here is what Pat Robertson says.

Here is what Jennifer Rubin says.

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