Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Internet content control

At American Commitment Phil Kerpen asks,
Do we think the Internet should be designed and managed by federal regulators to make sure certain voices are being heard? Or do we want to continue the remarkably successful experiment with a free-market, privately owned, competitive Internet? Which is the greater danger?

...The IRS targeted hundreds of tea party, pro-Israel, and pro-life groups – even asking one to disclose the contents of its prayers. And President Obama’s Democratic Party representatives at the Federal Election Commission are right now openly calling for regulations on political websites. How can we be sure an FCC with broad powers over the Internet will never use them to control content?

The self-appointed experts will continue to mock the two thirds of Americans who fear Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet will lead to content control. But the majority is exactly right.
Read more here.

Thanks to Kris Cook

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