Tuesday, March 17, 2015

"If you wait till you have symptoms, it's too late"

(AP) – Wary of head trauma, San Francisco 49ers linebacker Chris Borland is leaving football. And not even the promise of NFL stardom and piles of money could change his mind.

So now, after one stellar rookie season, he is retiring at age 24.

The 49ers announced his decision Monday night, without offering specifics. But Borland told ESPN’s “Outside the Lines” earlier in the day he wants to do “what’s best for my health.”

Borland had a team-leading 108 tackles as a rookie, emerging as a punishing defender. He also had a sack and two interceptions.

“From what I’ve researched and what I’ve experienced, I don’t think it’s worth the risk,” Borland said in the interview. “I feel largely the same, as sharp as I’ve ever been. For me, it’s wanting to be proactive. I’m concerned that if you wait till you have symptoms, it’s too late.”
Read more here.
Thanks to Ace of Spades

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