Thursday, March 26, 2015

Do we know our destination?

A person named Jonah comments on a Steve Sailer piece:
hypergamy – the propensity for women to “marry up”, and the willingness of men to “marry down” in favor of looks or other non IQ traits...

...And yes, the math checks out. Dumb, low status men, and ugly smart women are more frequently shut out of the marriage game than their gender opposites.
Chateau Heartiste adds,
High achieving men experience a gradual increase in their SMVs peaking at right about the time same-age women’s SMVs are crashing into the Wall. Many of these men go on to second or third younger wives, and produce second or third families of scions.
(SMV is Sexual Market Value).

CH (he loves to abbreviate) concludes:
What was once common — a vital middle class distinguished by fathers smarter and higher achieving than mothers — has become a curiosity gawked at by the destroyers of harmony.

We know our trajectory. What we don’t know is our destination. So certain are you that a bright, sunshiney day waits at the end?
Read more here.

Who is smarter, your mom or your dad?

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