Monday, February 09, 2015

Which is worse?

Linda Stasi asks,
Is it worse for a news anchor to lie about being forced down by enemy fire in Iraq than it is for a perennial presidential candidate to lie about ducking sniper fire — with her young daughter, yet — in Bosnia?

Both are horrible, but it’s worse for Hillary Clinton, who expects to run the country, to lie about something like this than it is for a blow-dried TV anchor to lie.

The fact that Brian Williams and Clinton (inset with daughter) thought they’d get away with their outrageous war stories despite there being living, breathing witnesses, video and now social media, is bizarrely disturbing. The hubris of the famous in believing that they can get away with lying forever because they are above it all never fails to astound. And never fails to happen.

Interesting, too, is that Clinton said she misspoke and Williams said he misremembered.

If you can’t remember or are mistaken about something as gigantic as getting shot at, how in hell can you report the news, let alone run a country?

At the time, Clinton said, “So I made a mistake. That happens. It proves I’m human, which, you know, for some people, is a revelation.”
Read more here.

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