Tuesday, February 17, 2015

ObamaNet: A solution desperately seeking a problem

Deroy Murdoch writes:
If you like Obamacare, you will love ObamaNet.
... “For the first time, billions of dollars in fees will be attached to the Internet service, just like they are to telephone service,” warns Senator Mike Lee (R., Utah). ISPs then would “pass them on to you, the consumer.”

...Is any American so inclined unable to go online? Cheap computers with built-in browsers grant instant access to the Internet’s treasures. If one cannot buy an Internet-capable computer or smartphone, federally subsidized libraries offer free gateways to Amazon, eBay, Hotmail, Wikipedia, YouTube, and virtually every recorded example of human wisdom and folly via Google.

ObamaNet is a monstrous “solution” desperately seeking a problem. ObamaNet is as urgently needed as a fire engine at the base of Niagara Falls, poised to battle any blaze that might erupt.

The Internet is not broken. Obama should not “fix” it.
Read more here.

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